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Observations for 04 June

Having Grotto shut off around 07:30 meant an afternoon of waiting for Giant Hot Periods in between showers. Only in the last observed one did Mastiff show any potential. As of 19:15, Grotto had yet to start, but Grotto Fountain appeared to be getting close.

Other Geyser Times

  • Rift 23:46 d=57m13s
  • Giant hot periods
    • 13:06 d=8m46s
    • 16:19 d=3m32s
    • 18:57 d=6m20s

And nothing to do with geysers

The trees between Oblong and Giant perfectly block the view of Grotto and Giant from the whole distance from Grand to Oblong. It's too bad that someone didn't take the opportunity of the fires in 1988 to do, what's euphemistically called, "scenic vista enhancement".