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Observations for 2011 August 16

As expected, it was clear and cold. It looked like West Triplet had ended recently, which was actually good news, since that made it more likely that the next eruption may precede Rift, but would also be the primary Grand window. That next eruption was during a Turban eruption, and Grand erupted on the next Turban. A nice two burst, although the first was so steamy I couldn't see much until I moved past West Triplet near Rift. The second burst was visible in that gap, and while the sky behind was starting to turn blue, the moon provided the lighting. And as expected, Rift started shortly after the eruption's end.

This morning I also thought I detected that tang of forest fire smoke in the air.

Starting at noon, Grand could have gone any time, but didn't. Instead it had a 36 minute Turban interval, resulting in an over 11 hour interval

Despite it being over three days since the last Fan & Mortar eruption, there never was a real attempt at any sort of eruption event.

Found that when a raven lands on the back of my truck, it makes a bit of jolt.