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Observations for 2020 August 02

Once again went out for activity at Mugwump and friends. The sequence of events there seemed fairly standard-- Mugwump was erupting every sixteen minutes or so. About five minutes later Three Crater would start having splashes, some up to two meters high. These continued into the next Mugwump eruption, when it would stop. In addition, Myriad Group #1 was active. This would start having strong convection at the time Three Crater would start, and last about two minutes. On one occasion, it had a couple of bursts to about 1/2 meter.

The water level in Sawmill's pool is as high as I've seen it since it was active. I thought I'd post a photo of it showing that. Note the small catchment in the foreground.

Arrived at Grand for a Turban Delay and a West Triplet eruption. The latter wasn't long enough to trigger Rift, and the Delay was for only two Turban intervals. It was a One Burst Grand eruption, not too exciting, but nice sunny conditions.

Got to see Artemisia erupt for the year. Was hot and dry and sunny, so perfect conditions, except the breeze was up the slope, so had to constantly keep shifting position. There was also an Atomizer minor eruption, little more than heavy splashiing, at the start, but didn't stick around for any more activity there.

Was one of the hotest days I've experience here in years. Supposedly the weather station recorded 86F. So was a pleasant surprise for the afternoon One Burst Grand to require only a short wait. During most of the eruption, there was a full rainbow from Vent all the way to Rift. And for the first time in quite a while, there was a short pause before Vent & Turban restarted. Once again, there was a short, about six minute duration West Triplet eruption shortly after.

Later took advantage of the full moon to experience Grand. It cooperated in erupting not only before midnight, but had two bursts. The moon was too high for any rainbows.