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Observations for 2021 May 26

At Norris, the situation was even worse that yesterday. It really does appear that New Crater/Steamboat is stuck in a mode where which hasn't been seen these past few years-- one where there is no progression, or "looking good", or with activity that can get the crowd (such as it has been) excited.

Got back in time for the mid-day One Burst Grand eruption. The start was simultaneous and explosive from both. It had been showery up to the eruption, but afterwards, the rain started hard. Always nice to bicycle back in rain.

Didn't find out until mid-afternoon that Little Squirt had been active earlier in the day. So went out and confirmed that the little bubbling gravel areas near Little Squirt were noisily active.

The rains stopped for the evening, although the wind was cold and damp, and from the north. Grand waited until the sunset Turban interval, and that made for a wonderfully lighted eruption, nicely visible thanks to the wind. It started with a big blue bubble. The second burst started as the sun was already dropping below the ridgeline. After about 30 seconds into the second burst, Grand went into Big Sawmill mode for another 30 seconds. Then Vent & Turban got our attention as about a minute after the end, they increased in power much more than normal. Looked for an afterburst attempt, but nothing out of Grand's vent.