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Observations for 2021 September 12

Wasn't planning to head out in the morning, but just as breakfast was ready to eat, got the call about Beehive's Indicator. Had plenty of time to get out to see the Beehive eruption which was in dead calm conditions. I didn't see the Base Vent do anything during the eruption.

After that, did head out for Grand, a ten minute One Burst Eruption followed by West Triplet erupting.

With nothing much else going on, went out to Lone Star. Arrived at the end of the first minor eruption. Twelve minutes later, another eruption started. About a minute in, the size and power seemed to increase dramatically, and water could be seen coming from the small vents on the left size. Then, after only two and a third minutes, it all quit. It was 26 minutes before the major eruption started, which was an interval of about 3h15m between the major eruptions.

Back at Grand, arrived with Percolator in eruption. This is moderately unusual, and indicative of West Triplet starting soon. But West Triplet didn't start until an hour-and-a-quarter later. During this time there were just a series of non-descript Turban eruptions.

Grand started shortly after West Triplet. The One Burst Eruption lastest 10-1/4 minutes, and there was water in Grand's vent for about twenty seconds before it drained. Then right after the end, Rift started steaming, so we stayed around to watch the water start down the runoff and go under the walkway.

Over at the Sawmill Group, there was a deep drain in progress. Tardy was having a series of single bursts, two or three per minutes, followed by a longer eruption lasting about a minute with a similar pause before the start of the next series of single bursts.

Did get to see Tilt start while waiting for Castle. Castle waited until the sun had set before erupting. We had left maybe a couple of minutes earlier.

Went out to see the midnight One Burst Grand Eruption, which lasted about eleven minutes. As expected, Belgian and Crystal had risen to near normal height, in response to Rift, and were starting to drop again.