GeyserLog 3.4.1 is now available on the iOS AppStore. This is mostly a bugfix release, with no new functionality.
- Fix issues with video tab and iOS 16.
- Faster app startup (no more white screen).
- Fix sorting issues in Recents and Timeline.
- Fix issues with button background and text with similar colors.
- Fix issue with observation time not being used when creating a new event or note.
- Added unselecting observations.
- Added watch settings to the app. Hard press menu in watch has been depreciated by Apple and will be gone in the next app release.
- Watch app now respects the "Mountain Time Zone" setting of the app.
- Editing and rearrangement of Favorites now working again.
- Pending submissions should now work for multiple notes and not duplicate entries on server.
- Editing Notes and Events will not clear when using the "More Features" view to select a new feature.
- Submissions View now has a delete pending events option.
- Fix issues with keyboard not disappearing after search.
If you'd like to use this app, contact me and I can provide a promo code for a free download.