Observations for 2024 August 22

It was just starting to get light at 06:00 as I tied my bike up over by Castle. Across the way there was a steaming area that looked suspiciously like Rift erupting. And it was.

The Rift eruption continued for almost another 1-1/2 hours, finally ending at 07:23. There was no evidence of even runoff from West Triplet, no pools of wet in the runoff channel. During that time I saw a number of Bulger minor eruptions. Also spent time at Sawmill as Uncertain was strongly gurgling. Once it appeared as if it was starting to erupt, but then Sawmill's pool starting to boil and erupt.

If the Turban interval before the Grand eruption had lasted another 30 seconds, it would've been a Turban Delay interval. The eruption was nicely backlit, but extremely steamy. Fortunately, the rain on the north side was light so it was possible to see Turban and Vent start.

When the first burst ended at 10m18s, I figured the eruption was over and started head over to turn off my camera, when I was surprised by a second burst. The pause was extremely short, and steamy, but well above the steam over Grand .

2024-Aug-22:07:51:19 G2Q

 07:51:19	B1	--- d=10m18s
 07:51:24	Turban	0m05s
 07:53:45	Vent	2m26s
 08:01:37	P1	10m18s d=21s
 08:01:58	B2	10m39s d=26s
 08:02:25	P2	11m06s
 08:03:11	V&T Quit	11m51s

				     ΣB=10m45s	ΣD=11m06s
	* * * * *
 06:13:40			d=03m50s 	
 06:32:10	Int: 18m30s	d=03m12s 	
 06:50:11	Int: 18m01s	d=03m16s 	
 07:08:59	Int: 18m48s	d=03m24s 
 07:27:04	Int: 18m04s	d=03m25s 	
		      Grand: 24m14s

As I left, the Bulger minor eruptions continued, and Belgian Pool was full to the rim. Crystal Spring had overflowed enough that the water in the runoff had reached the boardwalk.

Went out in the afternoon with the expectation that it might be a long wait. Not surprised to see Crystal Spring and Belgian Pool way down, about 15cm with the shelf in Crystal partly exposed.

Also not surprised when the second Turban eruption I saw came after a 32 minute interval, and include a couple of Grand boops. It took seven more Turban eruption intervals before Grand finally had the One Burst Erutpion. During the wait I saw some splashing from Sput A, and Sput D (Delta) erupted for the first time shortly before Grand.

2024-Aug-22:16:25:32 D7/G1C

 16:25:28	Vent Ovfl	-0m03s
 16:25:32	B1	--- d=10m59s
 16:25:40	Turban	0m07s
 16:28:30	Vent	2m58s
 16:36:31	P1	10m59s
Vent & Turban continue

	* * * * *
 13:51:48			d=03m50s 	
 14:23:58	Int: 32m10s	d=03m53s  D0 Boop: 14:20:57	
 14:39:22	Int: 15m24s	d=03m47s  D1	
 14:56:56	Int: 17m34s	d=03m09s  D2	
 15:15:13	Int: 18m17s	d=02m57s  D3	
 15:32:26	Int: 17m13s	d=03m37s  D4
 15:50:37	Int: 18m11s	d=03m22s  D5
 16:08:39	Int: 18m01s	d=03m25s  D6	
		      Grand: 16m52s

When I left, Crystal and Belgian were even lower than what I saw earlier, maybe down 20cm. Oval was low, and the north vent was occasionally jetting water onto the outer rim.

The clouds were clearing as the moon was rising. During the wait for the next Grand, saw a couple of Daisy eruptions and what appeared to be a weak Oblong eruption. At least I didn't hear any activity, and the steam cloud wasn't all that big. The Grand eruption had two bursts, and since it lasted less than ten minutes, it could have had a third.

2024-Aug-23:00:19:45 T2C

 00:19:24	Turban	-0m21s
 00:19:45	B1	--- d=08m16s
 00:22:15	Vent	2m30s
 00:28:01	P1	8m16s d=31s
 00:28:32	B2	8m47s d=58s
 00:29:31	P2	9m46s
Vent & Turban continue

				     ΣB=09m15s	ΣD=09m46s
	* * * * *
 22:30:12			d=04m03s 	
 22:49:11	Int: 18m59s	d=04m09s 	
 23:06:57	Int: 17m46s	d=04m18s 	
 23:26:31	Int: 19m34s	d=04m01s 	
 23:44:50	Int: 18m19s	d=03m45s 	
 00:02:59	Int: 18m09s	d=03m44s 	
		     Turban: 16m25s