Observations for 2024 August 23

Opened the cabin door to rain. Was expecting rain in the afternoon, but not at dawn. A check of the weather maps showed there would be a lull in which I could head out to Grand and not get wet until after I arrived, and would still get out early. As it was, I was looking over at Uncertain as I was walking by when I heard the start of the One Burst Grand eruption. Once I got past the steam from the southerly wind, I could see the activity clearly. During the eruption the sprinkling started up, so I spent a little time getting out the raincoat.

The eruption lasted 12-1/4 minutes, and I immediately left although it appeared that the threatened rain wasn't going to happen. I even considered staying around at Uncertain. Fortunately I didn't as it started pouring again just after I arrived at the cabin.

2024-Aug-23:06:50:54 1Q

 06:50:54	B1	--- d=12m15s
 06:54:17	Vent	3m22s
 07:03:09	P1	12m15s
 07:03:50	V&T Quit	12m55s


The showers hadn't returned by the time I went out for the afternoon Grand eruption, but it was windy and cloudy, and it looked like there were showers off in the distance. For no apparent reason (unless there was a Turban Delay interval before I arrived), Grand just did not want to erupt. After several false starts, we finally got a rain shower that lasted about 15 minutes. That ended and suddenly it was clear and sunny. Then there was an attempt at a Turban Delay, but we got the One Burst Grand well before the cutoff point.

This time the single burst lasted about ten minutes, and Grand's vent did have water sloshing about for about 20 to 30 seconds before draining. At that point Turban and Vent became even more vigorous, then suddenly quit erupting.

2024-Aug-23:15:45:33 G1Q

 15:45:33	B1	--- d=09m54s
 15:46:27	Turban	0m54s
 15:48:14	Vent	2m40s
 15:55:28	P1	9m54s
 15:57:19	V&T Quit	11m45s
 16:04:38	V&T Restart	19m04s

	* * * * *
 12:55:56			d=04m17s 	
 13:16:57	Int: 21m01s	d=04m29s 	
 13:35:35	Int: 18m38s	d=03m59s 	
 13:54:39	Int: 19m04s	d=03m03s 	
 14:11:35	Int: 16m56s	d=03m33s 	
 14:29:08	Int: 17m33s	d=02m59s 	
 14:45:39	Int: 16m31s	d=03m07s 	
 15:03:40	Int: 18m01s	d=03m12s 	
 15:22:10	Int: 18m30s	d=03m25s 	
		      Grand: 23m23s

Heard the One Burst Grand eruption in the dark as I was riding my bike up toward Castle. Too loud to be Sawmill. Moon was just a bright spot below the eastern horizon. Based on the end time, that interval was about 6h18m. So much for being able to start the wait a bit later. (Another four Grand eruptions day, too.)