Observations for 2024 August 25

Grand was not observed during the night, and at twelve hours since the last known eruption, it was time to head back. Once again, I was passing Sawmill when the eruption started. When the first burst ended at less than eight minutes, I was assuming at least another burst. And there was just that one burst, with the total eruption duration just over nine minutes.

2024-Aug-25:08:29:32 2C

 08:29:27	B1	--- d=07m42s
 08:31:48	Vent	2m21s
 08:37:09	P1	7m42s d=35s
 08:37:44	B2	8m17s d=50s
 08:38:34	P2	9m07s
Vent & Turban continue

				     ΣB=08m32s	ΣD=09m07s

Beehive also did not erupt overnight, so went to Geyser Hill for a wait. At first it was cool and overcast, then the clouds disappeared and it became windy. When the Indicator did start, it was time to move to avoid the potential downpour. Based on the top of the Inn flags, it was going to be safe along the southern end of the railing, and it was. The eruption started with an explosive burst, then quit for a moment, only to rocket back up. The duration was a bit short, perhaps due to all that preliminary slopping around.

Went back out to Grand at the six hour mark, expecting this to be the longer interval. And it was, just under eight hours long. The Turban eruption prior to the Grand eruption was unusually short, just over 2-1/2 minutes. At the eight minute mark, Grand's pool looked full, and it slowly kept looking better until the eruption.

This time we had a first burst that lasted longer than the morning eruption, followed by a minute long pause and another minute long second burst. By the end of that burst, Vent was roaring away, but Grand's vent did have water in it for about 15 seconds. During the eruption West Triplet overflowed enough that the wet runoff channel extended all the way to the boardwalk and joined up with the Grand runoff.

2024-Aug-25:16:19:39 G2Q

 16:19:30	Boop	-0m08s
 16:19:39	B1	--- d=09m31s
 16:21:02	Turban	1m23s
 16:22:53	Vent	3m14s
 16:29:10	P1	9m31s d=01m04s
 16:30:14	B2	10m35s d=01m03s
 16:31:18	P2	11m39s
 16:32:12	V&T Quit	12m33s
 16:39:08	V&T Restart	19m29s

				     ΣB=10m35s	ΣD=11m39s
	* * * * *
 14:26:51			d=04m18s 	
 14:47:44	Int: 20m53s	d=04m17s	
 15:06:52	Int: 18m08s	d=04m04s
 15:25:43	Int: 18m51s	d=04m05s
 15:44:35	Int: 18m52s	d=03m42s
 16:01:44	Int: 16m09s	d=02m36s 	
		      Grand: 17m55s

As I was leaving, I saw that water in the vent of Uncertain was visible, gently rising and falling. It was drop out of sight for a while, then come back. Occasionally there was a blip, but it was mostly quiet. Finally after about twelve minutes, the water rose to overflow, and an eruption commenced.