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Category: New Crater/Steamboat
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New Crater/Steamboat Geyser Eruption 2018 May 27
I managed to record the eruption from the start (with a 23 second gap due to operator stupidity) until almost 21 minutes into the eruption. There can quite a bit of jiggling and obscuring of the lens towards the end, as my phone holding arm gets tired after 20 minutes. I also had to try to shield the phone from the geyser rain several times.
I've also included a couple of surges from the previous day, for entertainment purposes. I didn't record the first surge before the eruption, but did record the subsequent ones.
Unfortunately, each clip starts about 4 seconds into the surge event, as that's the amount of time it takes for me to realize I need to start recording, then go through the various button pressings to start recording. So what got all our attention, and what caused all the excitement and screaming is not there. I tried just setting up a camera on a tripod and letting it run, but that never caught any of the surges. It also takes up way too much battery power (about 50% for 37 minutes of splashing), so I couldn't do it as much as I'd like.