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Observations for 2023 August 17

Sleeping in too long means going out to Grand and barely catching the early daylight eruption. Did get out early enough to see the Turban eruption where Grand didn't overflow, and then get the almost 12 minute One Burst Grand eruption.

2023-Aug-17:08:36:51 G1Q

08:36:45	Boop		-0m06s
08:36:51	Grand B1	---	d=11m50s
08:37:14	Vent Ovfl	0m23s
08:37:28	Turban		0m37s
08:40:09	Vent		3m18s
08:48:41	P1		11m50s
08:49:26	V&T Quit	12m35s

	* * * * *
08:11:51			d=4m39s 	
		      Grand: 25m00s

Afterwards noticed that a number of the features in the Sawmill Group had water levels much higher than usual. So I got to see Oval Spring erupt to about 1/2 meter from a full pool, then drop about 30-50 cm afterwards. Spasmodic was high, but nowhere near overflow.

Down at Fan & Mortar there was some event activity, with Bottom Vent erupting enough to put water down to the river, multiple large splashes from Main Vent, and Lower Mortar high and vigorous. But nothing much came of it, other than the Fan vents showed a short resurgence just as everyone was about to leave.

In the afternoon there was another Turban Delay Interval followed by seven more intervals before we got the long One Burst Grand Eruption. This one featured multiple false pauses during the nearly twelve minute long eruption.

2023-Aug-17:16:55:45 D7/T1Q

16:54:58	Turban		-0m46s
16:55:15	Vent Ovfl	-0m29s
16:55:45	Grand B1	---	d=11m05s
16:58:12	Vent		2m26s
17:04:04	FP		8m18s
17:05:10	FP		9m25s
17:06:50	P1		11m05s
17:07:36	V&T Quit	11m50s

	* * * * *
14:05:48			d=4m19s 	
14:24:00	Int: 18m11s	d=4m33s 
14:49:18	Int: 25m18s	d=5m29s  D0	
15:07:55	Int: 18m37s	d=3m38s  D1
15:27:06	Int: 19m10s	d=4m11s  D2
15:45:49	Int: 18m43s	d=4m00s  D3
16:03:57	Int: 18m08s	d=3m34s  D4
16:20:43	Int: 16m45s	d=3m04s  D5
16:37:44	Int: 17m01s	d=3m37s  D6
		     Turban: 17m13s

While walking away past Sawmill, there came the call for Beehive's Indicator, so made the side trip to Geyser Hill. Because of the wind direction, from the railing near the sign I was able to see a bright, double rainbow centered over Plume.

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Observations for 2023 August 16

When I saw that it had been over seven hours since the Grand eruption we were at last night, I went on out again. Waited a full Turban eruption interval and then got a steamy One Burst Grand that lasted less than 9-1/2 minutes.

2023-Aug-16:06:54:49 T1C

06:53:00	Turban		-1m49s
06:54:49	Grand B1	---	d=9m19s
06:56:53	Vent		2m04s
07:04:08	P1		9m19s
Vent & Turban continue


With Beehive active before dawn, it seemed like a good Lower Basin day. Since nothing expected from Fountain for a few hours, rode the bikes out to Great Fountain.

Arrived there and the water level was high, but well below overflow. After an hour, and several White Dome eruptions, Great Fountain overflowed for a few minutes, the receded below the level it was at when we arrived. It was another 40 minutes before the real overflow began.

The overflow lasted 80 minutes, and up until the 70 minute mark, we had the place to ourselves. During most of that time White Dome was quiet. That's when two families arrived. The pause at the start of the eruptions lasted about 1-1/2 minutes. The action wasn't Great Flounder class, but was definitely nothing big or spectacular. There were a few nice bursts angled toward the benches.

We stayed until the end of the third burst. On the way back Pink Cone was in eruption, which was a nice bonus.

When I went out to Grand for the sunset eruption, there was so much overcast (and probably smoke) that the sky was mostly gray. West Triplet was just starting to overflow, which is the first time I've seen that since early in this visit.

After a couple of Turban eruptions, Grand started to behave as if there was going to be a Turban Interval Delay. At around the 23 minute mark the boops started, and lasted for a full minute. Some of the boops were several meters high and wide. The start of Grand's One Burst Eruption was weak, but it lasted almost 12-1/2 minutes with few slowdowns. It took over a minute for Turban to start erupting, and it was finished within seconds of the end of Grand's activity.

2023-Aug-16:19:37:21 G1Q

19:36:20	Boop		-1m01s
19:37:21	Grand B1	---	d=12m24s
19:38:26	Turban		1m05s
19:39:31	Vent Ovfl	2m10s
19:41:05	Vent		3m44s
19:49:45	P1		12m24s
19:49:57	V&T Quit	12m36s

	* * * * *
18:53:58			d=4m35s 	
19:13:21	Int: 19m23s	d=4m36s 	
		      Grand: 24m00s

Posted on

Observations for 2023 August 15

Grand wasn't erupting as I biked past the Lodge. It was erupting as I approached the Inn. I turned around and let others enjoy the One Burst Eruption (and it was one) to go back to sleep for a while longer.

A few hours later, was expecting Beehive, but probably not soon. So intended to wait over by Aurum for the Indicator call. Waited less than ten minutes. Between the call and Beehive's eruption, also witnessed the second Lion eruption of the series, and a Plate eruption. I haven't seen Plate up from on Geyser Hill in a few years, and it seemed to me that the eruption was much larger than way back then. Beehive itself erupted in almost dead calm condition, with the spray and condensation settling on the walkway down by Plume.

For the next Grand we only had to wait for a few Turban eruption intervals before we got the Grand eruption a bit late in its early window. The first burst lasted almost 9-1/2 minutes, so it was a pleasant surprise to once again see a minute's worth of sloshing about in Grand's crater before we got the second burst. Despite the length of the eruption, over 11 minutes, Vent & Turban did not quit this time.

2023-Aug-15:12:51:06 G2C

12:51:06	Grand B1	---	d=9m26s
12:52:08	Turban		1m01s
12:54:31	Vent		3m24s
13:00:33	P1		9m26s	d=0m39s
13:01:12	B2		10m05s	d=0m56s
13:02:09	P2		11m02s
Vent & Turban continue

				     ΣB=10m23s	ΣD=11m02s
	* * * * *
11:52:14			d=5m34s 
12:11:20	Int: 19m06s	d=4m35s 
12:30:51	Int: 19m30s	d=4m32s 
		      Grand: 20m15s

For the next Grand wait, went out about three hours after the start of a Rift eruption. Did not expect or intend to be still out there four hours later.

When I arrived, I noticed a new sputtering hole, or at least one I didn't remember seeing previously. It is located about 1.5 meters from Sput D, directly on the line between Sput D and West Triplet. The vent is tiny, and the sputtering was only a few centimeters high. But it continued, along with Sput D's activity, as long as Rift was erupting. Until I can confirm that I didn't use the designation before, I'll refer to this as Sput G.

Sput G (in box) and Sput D erupting.

The second Turban eruption since my arrival was a Turban Delay Interval. From there, it took twelve more intervals before we finally got the One Burst Grand eruption. Rift itself ended after the fourth interval, for an approximate duration of five hours.

2023-Aug-15:22:39:31 D12/T1Q

22:38:35	Turban		-0m55s
22:39:31	Grand B1	---	d=10m25s
22:41:39	Vent		2m07s
22:48:58	FP		9m26s
22:49:56	P1		10m25s
22:50:52	V&T Quit	11m21s
22:59:52	V&T Restart	20m21s

	* * * * *
19:04:20	Int: 34m10s	d=4m17s  D0
19:21:01	Int: 16m41s	d=4m25s  D1
19:39:27	Int: 18m26s	d=3m49s  D2
19:59:08	Int: 19m40s	d=3m41s  D3
20:16:18	Int: 17m10s	d=3m51s  D4
20:35:37	Int: 19m19s	d=3m52s  D5
20:54:18	Int: 18m41s	d=3m35s  D6
21:11:28	Int: 17m10s	d=3m18s  D7	
21:28:37	Int: 17m08s	d=3m29s  D8
21:46:46	Int: 18m08s	d=3m33s  D9
22:04:23	Int: 17m37s	d=3m49s  D10
22:22:51	Int: 18m27s	d=3m21s  D11
		     Turban: 15m44s

Just before Grand erupted we got a little diversion. Ben Vanderley noticed that Bulger was erupting, and it was a major. In the dark, the gazers waiting for Grand ran down there, to the confusion of various visitors who were still waiting in the dark for Grand. Within a minute of Bulger starting, Bulger's Hole began erupting.

It was a strong eruption, with heights to about 4 meters at times. The activity slowed down twice as if the eruption was ending, then came back strong. There wasn't any sound effects from the Hole when it drained. The total duration of the eruption was about three minutes.

After Grand we hung around Bulger in case there was a second major and Bulger's Hole eruption, but after about 1/2 hour it was obvious that the one eruption was it. As we walked away, we noticed that Sawmill was quiet and Uncertain was steaming gently. It seemed obvious that in the dark we'd missed an eruption, about 20 minutes earlier, perhaps during an eruption of Old Tardy.

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Observations for 2023 August 14

In the morning there wasn't a Turban Delay Interval, just a series of non-descript Turban eruptions which finally led up to a One Burst Grand eruption. It seems like the start of the Grand window has shifted back about 45 minutes.

2023-Aug-14:09:24:41 G1Q

09:24:41	Grand B1	---	d=10m51s
09:25:42	Turban		1m01s
09:26:54	Vent Ovfl	2m13s
09:28:34	Vent		3m53s
09:35:32	P1		10m51s
09:36:24	V&T Quit	11m43s

	* * * * *
08:20:02			d=4m10s 	
08:41:53	Int: 21m51s	d=4m32s 	
09:03:16	Int: 21m23s	d=4m32s 	
		      Grand: 21m25s

One the way back, saw something new and different. From Sawmill, we saw an ATV driving south toward Castle. The driver stopped there, got out and looked around for a while. Tried to get close enough to take some pictures, but he drove off before I could get close. I did see him drive up to the front of the Inn. I joked that it was probably someone claiming to use it because of a disability. The NPS was informed of this, and I heard that the Law Enforcement types wanted to find him, because they thought he might try driving down the Fountain Freight Road or Firehole Lake Drive. They did find an RV in the East Lot that had an empty trailer with the ramps down.

Found out late I wasn't far off. The person appeared at the Visitor Center to complain about disability access, and was told that he got to talk to Law Enforcement about how a licensed vehicle is not a mobility device.

Unrelated, but also from the radio-- doing 64 in the 25 zone at the West Entrance station will get you a mandatory visit to the magistrate in Mammoth.

Had time to kill, so went down to Fan & Mortar for a few hours. Everything was dry, and nothing happened for the first half hour I was there. Then there was the usual progression over the next half hour of vents starting and stopping. Twenty minutes after River had quit it was back on and another cycle started. This time the activity lasted about 20 minutes. After about ten minutes of no activity, I drifted away to catch Daisy.

The Daisy eruption was pretty much normal, with the usual duration of 3m20s.

In the afternoon at Grand, we got a short Turban Delay Interval of only 28 minutes. It was three Turban Intervals later that Grand erupted. The first burst lasted less than nine minutes, while the second was two seconds under the limit to be considered a Long Second. Even then, Grand toyed with us by having the crater start to refill before draining and Turban and Vent quitting.

2023-Aug-14:16:31:16 D3/G2Q

16:31:16	Grand B1	---	d=8m56s
16:31:53	Vent Ovfl	0m37s
16:32:05	Turban		0m49s
16:34:34	Vent		3m18s
16:40:12	P1		8m56s	d=0m42s
16:40:54	B2		9m38s	d=1m13s
16:42:07	P2		10m51s
16:43:06	V&T Quit	11m50s
16:51:53	V&T Restart	20m37s

				     ΣB=10m09s	ΣD=10m51s
	* * * * *
15:07:20			d=4m32s 	
15:35:15	Int: 27m55s	d=4m29s  D0	
15:52:02	Int: 16m47s	d=5m00s  D1	
16:11:40	Int: 19m38s	d=4m16s  D2	
		      Grand: 19m36s

Went out near sunset to catch Castle, expecting a minor since there was a major eruption after midnight. Instead we got a consecutive major eruption.

After dark we got out to Grand just in time to catch the Turban which started the Delay Interval. The overflow was heavy around the 20 minute mark, then decreased to almost nothing by 25. Then it picked up. By 28 minutes the overflow was heavy again. Just as Turban started, it sounded like there was a boil over Grand, and the One Burst Eruption started. It lasted almost 11 minutes.

2023-Aug-14:22:50:57 D0/T1Q

22:50:54	Turban		-0m03s
22:50:57	Grand B1	---	d=10m56s
22:53:27	Vent		2m30s
23:01:53	P1		10m56s
23:02:47	V&T Quit	11m50s

	* * * * *
22:17:08			d=4m46s 	
		     Turban: 33m46s

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Observations for 2023 August 13

As expected, Grand reverted to the shorter, six hour long intervals. So when I woke up and saw it was already in eruption, I went back to sleep.

Did go out early for the next eruption of Grand. Another One Burst Grand eruption, but once again, the interval was at the short end of the range. Windy and cool, and multiple times people between West Triplet and Rift got soaked.

2023-Aug-13:12:23:16 G1Q

12:23:09	Boop		-0m07s
12:23:16	Grand B1	---	d=11m21s
12:23:19	Vent Ovfl	0m03s
12:23:35	Turban		0m19s
12:26:23	Vent		3m07s
12:34:37	P1		11m21s
12:35:34	V&T Quit	12m18s

	* * * * *
11:23:14			d=5m45s 	
11:42:54	Int: 19m40s	d=4m35s 	
12:03:17	Int: 20m23s	d=4m39s 	
		      Grand: 19m59s

Just afterwards, was in the middle of lunch when heard the call for Beehive's Indicator starting to erupt. The wind hadn't changed much, so was able to stand along the railing and look up at the water column, which was cut off a bit by the same wind.

Went out again several hours before sunset, prepared to return in the dark. Both Grand and Castle were due during the same time period, but Castle had a short minor eruption shortly after I got to Grand. The series of ordinary Turban eruptions ended at the last eruption just before sunset. From my usual vantage point, with the wind from the north, this One Burst Grand eruption had a full rainbow extending from Vent to near Sawmill. One again the boardwalk (and people waiting there) from West Triplet to Rift got a soaking.

2023-Aug-13:19:49:03 T1C

19:48:05	Turban		-0m58s
19:48:25	Vent Ovfl	-0m38s
19:49:03	Grand B1	---	d=9m50s
19:51:33	Vent		2m30s
19:58:54	P1		9m50s
Vent & Turban continue

	* * * * *
18:10:52			d=4m10s 
18:30:14	Int: 19m21s	d=4m17s 
18:49:58	Int: 19m44s	d=4m21s 
19:09:31	Int: 19m33s	d=4m06s 
19:29:51	Int: 20m19s	d=3m56s 
		     Turban: 18m14s

After the Grand eruption, with Lion still active, this meant there was a good possibility of some sort of eruption from North Goggles. Back in the cabin to refit for a wait in the dark, and then walked up on North Goggles minor eruption within a couple of minutes. Nice to see it before it got cold and was still light.

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Observations for 2023 August 12

Went out to Grand before midnight, and caught what was probably another Turban Delay Interval. That eruption of Turban lasted almost six minutes, while the next Turban eruption had no overflow from Grand. So the One Burst Eruption most likely occurred on the fourth Turban Interval after the Eruption Delay (D4).

2023-Aug-12:01:03:41 G1Q

01:03:41	Grand B1	---	d=11m58s
01:04:27	Turban		0m46s
01:07:03	Vent		3m22s
01:15:39	P1		11m58s
01:16:32	V&T Quit	12m51s

	* * * * *
Yesterday 23:48:33			d=5m55s 	
00:07:05	Int: 18m32s	d=4m42s 	
00:26:31	Int: 19m26s	d=4m01s 	
00:44:31	Int: 18m00s	d=4m12s 	
		      Grand: 19m10s

Less of a wait for the Grand eruption at dawn. Arrived in time to experience another Turban Delay Interval, but fortunately, the One Burst Grand was the result.

2023-Aug-12:07:12:31 G1Q

07:12:31	Grand B1	---	d=11m19s
07:13:49	Turban		1m18s
07:14:50	Vent Ovfl	2m19s
07:16:16	Vent		3m45s
07:23:50	P1		11m19s
07:24:41	V&T Quit	12m10s

	* * * * *
06:47:44			d=0m54s 	
		      Grand: 24m47s

Tried to visit the Lower Basin, but arrived at a nearly full Paint Pots parking lot at 09:00 to see Fountain in eruption. It was over by the time we walked out there. Based on an observation of Great Fountain the previous evening, we also decided to try biking out to it on another time.

The mid-day Grand turned into the afternoon Grand when another Turban Interval Delay took eight more Turban eruptions to recover. This eruption of Grand started with about 16 seconds of boops, including one shot up to 8 meters high, angled to the south. The start of the eruption itself was unimpressive, but fortunately, we got a second burst that was much higher. The second burst ended with a total eruption duration less than ten minutes, so it was disappointing when Grand's pool immediately drained with no attempt to refill.

Grand super-boop
2023-Aug-12:15:53:56 D8/G2C

15:53:39	Boop		-0m16s
15:53:56	Grand B1	---	d=8m27s
15:54:50	Turban		0m54s
15:55:10	Vent Ovfl	1m14s
15:57:06	Vent		3m10s
16:02:23	P1		8m27s	d=0m41s
16:03:05	B2		9m08s	d=0m41s
16:03:46	P2		9m50s
Vent & Turban continue

				     ΣB=9m08s	ΣD=9m50s
	* * * * *
12:55:54	Int: 15m41s	d=4m21s 	
13:31:24	Int: 35m30s	d=5m11s  D0	
13:49:19	Int: 17m55s	d=4m21s  D1	
14:08:06	Int: 18m47s	d=3m50s  D2	
14:25:49	Int: 17m43s	d=3m42s  D3	
14:44:10	Int: 18m20s	d=3m36s  D4
15:02:17	Int: 18m06s	d=3m47s  D5
15:19:14	Int: 16m57s	d=3m21s  D6
15:36:20	Int: 17m06s	d=3m44s  D7	
		      Grand: 17m35s

There is at least one raven which has learned to clean up after the crowd at Grand disperses. Sometimes there's been a companion, but it usually starts at the northern runoff and works its way down the benches. So far it's kept its distance from people but I expect them to start checking bags and packs at some point.

If Grand had erupted on the next Turban eruption instead of the one in which it did, this would not have been a four Grand day. Instead the One Burst Grand eruption came five minutes before midnight. There wasn't any Turban Delay Interval, just a series of Turban eruptions where the duration and the intervals were getting shorter. At around the eight minute mark in the eruption, there was a false pause, and then Grand continued for almost another three minutes.

2023-Aug-12:23:55:02 G1Q

23:54:50	Turban		-0m12s
23:55:02	Grand B1	---	d=10m55s
23:57:31	Vent		2m29s
00:03:10	FP		8m07s
00:05:57	P1		10m55s
00:06:49	V&T Quit	11m47s

	* * * * *
21:48:14			d=4m29s 	
22:07:55	Int: 19m41s	d=4m04s 	
22:26:59	Int: 19m04s	d=3m49s 	
22:45:49	Int: 18m50s	d=4m02s 	
23:03:16	Int: 17m27s	d=4m03s 	
23:20:44	Int: 17m28s	d=3m15s 
23:37:26	Int: 16m42s	d=3m34s 
		      Turban: 17m23s

Posted on

Observations for 2023 August 11

Was awake, but looking for a reason to get up and moving and not finding out until the radio call for Beehive's Indicator was made. Got out in plenty of time for a concerted eruption with Old Faithful under clear, calm, fog-free conditions.

Later on went out to Grand not knowing the time of the overnight eruption. Watched a series of indifferent Turban eruptions until after about two hours there was a Turban eruption with a short durations and preceeded by little overflow from Grand. Grand erupted on the next opportunity.

The first burst lasted 9-1/2 minutes, which is the longest first burst I've seen in years. It took over a minute for the second burst to start, which again is pretty long. Nice to see that the nine minute mark is no longer an automatic indication of a One Burst Eruption.

2023-Aug-11:11:37:01 G2Q

11:36:57	Boop		-0m04s
11:37:01	Grand B1	---	d=9m28s
11:37:47	Turban		0m45s
11:38:40	Vent Ovfl	1m38s
11:40:07	Vent		3m05s
11:46:29	P1		9m28s	d=1m02s
11:47:32	B2		10m31s	d=0m44s
11:48:17	P2		11m15s
11:48:55	V&T Quit	11m53s

				     ΣB=10m12s	ΣD=11m15s
	* * * * *
09:41:58			d=4m35s 	
10:02:15	Int: 20m17s	d=4m40s 	
10:22:32	Int: 20m17s	d=4m45s 	
10:41:56	Int: 19m24s	d=4m10s 	
11:00:52	Int: 18m56s	d=3m38s 	
11:17:49	Int: 16m57s	d=3m56s 	
		      Grand: 19m12s

Later spend time at Giant, just to see what was happening, which was little to nothing. Bijou was on most of the time, with occasional slowdowns but no real pauses. Just as we were about to leave, Giant had a mini-Cone Filling burst, which even put some water out of the front rim. Haven't seen that much in a long time.

Left to go over to Daisy, where the eruption was normal in every way.

Saw the next eruption of Daisy just as I arrived at Grand for the next wait. Which was short, as ended up waiting for only two Turban Eruption Intervals. The second interval looked like it was going to become a Turban Delay Interval, but came up a minute short when suddenly Vent overflowed, Turban started followed by Grand, all in a matter of seconds. The first burst ended well before the nine minute mark, so it was no surprise to get the second burst. Even though the eruption barely lasted ten minutes, Vent & Turban quit.

2023-Aug-11:17:56:00 T2Q

17:55:54	Vent Ovfl	-0m05s
17:55:58	Turban		-0m01s
17:56:00	Grand B1	---	d=8m36s
17:58:51	Vent		2m51s
18:04:37	P1		8m36s	d=0m40s
18:05:17	B2		9m17s	d=0m53s
18:06:11	P2		10m11s
18:06:55	V&T Quit	10m55s

				     ΣB=9m30s	ΣD=10m11s
	* * * * *
17:12:24			d=2m50s 	
17:32:11	Int: 19m47s	d=4m35s 	
		     Turban: 23m47s

Posted on

Observations for 2023 August 10

Figured with Rift having erupted, Grand might have some longer intervals for a while. So today was the day to take care of various domestic tasks and a trip to West Yellowstone for supplies.

But first, went to Norris to see that we weren't missing much. The runoff channel of the south vent is completely filled at the bridge. It appears a section of the wall collapsed causing much debris to be washed down.

Did a walk around the Back Basin, where saw an eruption of Orby and the start of Vixen. When the duration passed seven minutes, decided to move on. It was still erupting several minutes later.

Got back in time to head out for Grand. Arrived just before the six hour mark, waited on Turban eruption interval, and got to see the One Burst Grand Eruption. Also saw another eruption of Tilt on the way back.

2023-Aug-10:15:41:19 T1Q

15:40:20	Turban		-0m59s
15:40:43	Vent Ovfl	-0m36s
15:41:19	Grand B1	---	d=10m06s
15:43:53	Vent		2m34s
15:51:26	P1		10m06s
15:52:29	V&T Quit	11m09s

	* * * * *
15:21:32			d=4m47s 
		     Turban: 18m47s

It really does seem like Grand erupts on the first Turban eruption after the six hour mark, or it has a Turban Interval Delay and then erupts a couple of hours later.

Back in the cabin, I was working on the computer when I noticed something scurrying outside the door beside my truck. It was a strange looking ground squirrel. Not really an albino, as its markings were sort of visible, but its coloring was washed out. Probably got caught in an eruption of that peroxide geyser across the river.

Mutant squirrel

The next Grand eruption was going to be after dark. Went out a little early since Castle was also predicted for that time. From Grand we caught the start of the Castle minor eruption, which lasted about six minutes.

Grand cooperated nicely, starting on the first Turban eruption after the six hour mark. Just after the nine minute mark, the first burst had a false pause, followed by about ten seconds of individual jets to about 20m. (Grand was lit up, so it was easy to see.) The second burst was a bit unexpected, but nice to see that a second burst can occur with longer first bursts.

2023-Aug-10:21:55:11 G2Q

21:55:11	Grand B1	---	d=9m24s
21:58:54	Vent		3m43s
22:04:20	FP
22:04:35	P1		9m24s	d=0m51s
22:05:26	B2		10m15s	d=0m37s
22:06:03	P2		10m52s
22:06:46	V&T Quit	11m35s

				     ΣB=10m01s	ΣD=10m52s
	* * * * *
21:33:58	Int: 18m28s	d=4m39s 	
		      Grand: 21m13s

The sky was as clear as I can remember. Even from the cabin area, in an area not directly illuminated by the streetlights, it was possible to see the bright Milky Way arching across the sky.

Posted on

Observations for 2023 August 09

ALmost forgot to go out to Grand. Based on the eruption we saw last night, I knew there was no need to be out there early, so instead decided to enjoy the sunny, fogless morning and go on Geyser Hill and wait for Beehive. As it turned out, Beehive was taking its time, and when the overnight electronic Grand time appeared, I realized I should be there.

Fortunately, I arrived in plenty of time, and didn't have to wait a full Turban eruption interval. The nicely backlit (although a bit steamy) two burst Grand eruption also improved by burst average for the trip. Right now it's better than any year for me since 2012.

2023-Aug-09:08:57:59 G2Q

08:57:53	Boop		-0m05s
08:57:59	Grand B1	---	d=8m56s
08:58:37	Vent Ovfl	0m38s
08:58:51	Turban		0m52s
09:01:24	Vent		3m25s
09:06:55	P1		8m56s	d=0m54s
09:07:50	B2		9m51s	d=0m33s
09:08:24	P2		10m25s
09:09:18	V&T Quit	11m19s

				     ΣB=9m30s	ΣD=10m25s

Back to Geyser Hill, where the waiting continued. A report of an extended fill at North Goggles meant I got to record a North Goggles minor eruption, the first I've seen up close in a while. Over at Beehive, the South Bubbler finally erupted, followed by a long, sixteen minute long Indicator eruption. There was a packed crowd along the railing, and they all got wet. During the Beehive eruption, Depression started its own eruption.

Later went out to Grand with Rift in eruption for at least 2-1/2 hours. Castle started as I was riding my bike out, so watched it a bit to see if it would be a minor eruption. At about six minutes after I first saw the eruption, there were a couple of long pauses, then the activity came back on strong with no more pausing.

Over at Grand there were over two hours of Rift erupting with Turban and Grand not showing any indication of an approaching Grand eruption. When Rift finally quit after about 4-1/2 long eruption, Grand's pool immediately started looking like it was ready to erupt. The One Burst Eruption start was slow, with multiple boils to a couple of meters before the jetting started. At the nine minute mark there was a false pause after some Big Sawmill activity, then Grand continued for another 1-1/2 minutes.

2023-Aug-09:16:43:19 T1C

16:42:51	Vent Ovfl	-0m28s
16:42:56	Turban		-0m23s
16:43:12	Boop		-0m07s
16:43:19	Grand B1	---	d=10m07s
16:45:26	Vent		2m07s
16:52:09	FP		8m50s
16:53:26	P1		10m07s
Vent & Turban continue

	* * * * *
14:41:09			d=4m40s 	
15:00:11	Int: 19m02s	d=4m26s 	
15:20:35	Int: 20m24s	d=4m09s 	
15:38:54	Int: 18m19s	d=3m40s 	
15:59:52	Int: 20m58s	d=3m51s 	
16:19:02	Int: 19m10s	d=3m55s 	
		     Turban: 23m54s

In the Sawmill Group, Sawmill was erupting the whole time I was waiting for Grand. It finally quit about ten minutes after the Grand eruption. Belgian Pool was nearly full, and Crystal Spring was overflowing into Slurp so much that there was runoff almost to the walkway.

Posted on

Observations for 2023 August 08

No rain for several hours, but it was heavily overcast and the fog seemed to be forming. Walked up to Grand, and had enough time to put down my pack as the eruption started. It was a foggy, One Burst Grand Eruption and so I was able to leave quickly.

2023-Aug-08:06:23:24 G1Q

06:23:24	Grand B1	---	d=10m03s
06:24:19	Turban		0m55s
06:25:33	Vent Ovfl	2m09s
06:27:17	Vent		3m53s
06:33:27	P1		10m03s
06:34:59	V&T Quit	11m35s


Went over to Geyser Hill to wait for Beehive. Abandoned my wait when the rain started, but it finished by the time I got back to the cabin. It was only a few minutes later when the radio call for the Indicator came out. This eruption was actually nice because few people around and the little breeze we had was away from the walkway.

The rain was only supposed to last an hour or so, but four hours later it was still raining as I went out for the next Grand eruption. I decided to walk via Geyser Hill as I've found riding a bike in the rain is a sure way to get soaked no matter how hard I try to stay dry.

As I came out into the clearing by Liberty Pool, I saw Penta in eruption. It was a steamphase eruption, and I must have seen it near the start as the activity didn't diminish in the time it took me to walk over to it. Sawmill was off, and the pools of Spasmodic were not visible down in the vents. There was horizontal jetting on the south side of Spasmodic also. Oval was also low, and the near vent was surging a half-meter or so.

I think I arrived at Grand for the first Turban eruption after a Turban Delay Interval. The pool started out looking low, and there was little to no overflow before the next Turban eruption. If that was the case, then the One Burst Grand Eruption took place on number five (D5). The rains continued during the wait, despite all the weather reports and radar maps showing we were supposed to be clear. So the eruption was steamy and unimpressive.

2023-Aug-08:13:37:01 G1C

13:37:01	Grand B1	---	d=9m44s
13:37:25	Vent Ovfl	0m24s
13:37:39	Turban		0m38s
13:40:12	Vent		3m11s
13:46:45	P1		9m44s
Vent & Turban continue

	* * * * *
12:23:42			d=4m34s 	
12:41:45	Int: 18m03s	d=4m20s 	
13:00:31	Int: 18m46s	d=3m43s 	
13:18:14	Int: 17m43s	d=4m01s 	
		      Grand: 18m47s

During the wait there was also a Castle minor eruption. Didn't get the duration because I was not moving from my dry spot from which Castle wasn't visible.

It had been almost two hours since I saw the Penta activity, and Sawmill was still quiet. Was hoping that meant there might be a possibility of Uncertain erupting. Instead, Sawmill started right after we'd walked up to it. The splashing in Uncertain did get stronger, but never close to looking like an eruption was starting. At the same time, Tardy had a series of short bursts, then started gurgling at depth.

Once again, I walked up on an eruption of Tilt while headed out to Grand. And at Grand I believe I caught another Turban Delay Interval eruption, because this Turban eruption lasted over six minutes, and the following Turban interval was short and without overflow.

Four Turban intervals later Grand erupted. The sun was below the horizon and clouds, but there was hints of pink and magenta in the clouds behind the Grand eruption, and more than enough light to see by. The day was never warm, so much of the eruption was obscured by steam. Grand quit at just over nine minutes, and the steam parted enough to see the pool, which was still full. So a several day string of one burst eruptions was finally broken.

2023-Aug-08:20:29:21 G2Q

20:29:21	Grand B1	---	d=9m03s
20:29:32	Vent Ovfl	0m11s
20:29:55	Turban		0m34s
20:32:25	Vent		3m04s
20:38:24	P1		9m03s	d=0m46s
20:39:10	B2		9m49s	d=0m36s
20:39:47	P2		10m26s
20:40:22	V&T Quit	11m01s

				     ΣB=9m39s	ΣD=10m26s
	* * * * *
19:09:07			d=6m06s 	
19:28:35	Int: 19m28s	d=4m37s 	
19:48:26	Int: 19m51s	d=4m26s 	
20:08:56	Int: 20m30s	d=4m37s 	
		      Grand: 20m25s

Posted on

Observations for 2023 August 07

Was still foggy when I biked past the Lodge, but by the time I got out to Grand, the sun was mostly out. Caught a Turban eruption, which turned into a Turban Interval Delay. There was a boop from Grand around the 30 minute mark, and it took Turban another 4 minutes before it finally erupted. As with most Turban Interval Delays, the next Turban eruption had no overflow from Grand. After the 3rd Turban eruption, Grand quickly filled, and started looking good around the 12 minute mark. The pool didn't really start having waves until moments before the One Burst Eruption started.

2023-Aug-07:11:18:50 D4/G1Q

11:18:44	Boop		-0m06s
11:18:50	Grand B1	---	d=10m13s
11:19:27	Turban		0m36s
11:20:44	Vent Ovfl	1m53s
11:22:10	Vent		3m20s
11:29:03	P1		10m13s
11:30:22	V&T Quit	11m32s

	* * * * *
09:31:05			d=4m16s 	
10:05:55	Int: 34m50s	d=5m39s  D0 Boop: 10:01:15
10:23:57	Int: 18m02s	d=4m45s  D1	
10:43:04	Int: 19m06s	d=4m03s  D2
11:00:20	Int: 17m15s	d=3m46s  D3
		      Grand: 18m30s

Afterwards, decided to put the nice weather to some use, and went down basin for the first time (excepting last evening's Fan & Mortar excursion.) Got to Grotto where the Pressure Pool was full, and Grotto Fountain was having a nice boil. That boil quickly built into a full eruption. Grotto started only three minutes later, and Grotto Fountain never really looked tall while it was erupting.

Sky to the north was black as I headed out for the next Grand. The weather radar showed a storm passing to the north, but I expected we would at least get wet from the edges. Once again, only had to wait one Turban Delay Interval, but this time we got another One Burst Grand eruption. Ten minutes in it had a nice false pause before continuing for another minute. By then, the rain was nearly upon us, and we managed to get back before it really started.

2023-Aug-07:17:30:27 D0/T1Q

17:29:22	Turban		-1m05s
17:30:27	Grand B1	---	d=11m04s
17:31:46	Vent Ovfl	1m19s
17:32:58	Vent		2m31s
17:40:38	FP		10m11s
17:41:31	P1		11m04s
17:42:18	V&T Quit	11m51s

	* * * * *
17:02:51			d=3m46s 	
		     Turban: 26m31s

Posted on

Observations for 2023 August 06

As expected, there was a thick fog over the basin when I went out at dawn. Got over to Grand and then heard Castle start to erupt. Seems like Turban had had a delay, and we ended with what was probably a six Turban Interval Delay. The One Burst Grand Eruption lasted nearly eleven minutes.

2023-Aug-06:08:11:34 G1Q

08:11:26	Boop		-0m08s
08:11:34	Grand B1	---	d=10m55s
08:12:00	Vent Ovfl	0m25s
08:12:15	Turban		0m40s
08:14:48	Vent		3m14s
08:22:30	P1		10m55s
08:23:15	V&T Quit	11m41s

	* * * * *
06:27:41			d=3m05s 	
06:43:00	Int: 15m19s	d=3m11s 	
07:02:04	Int: 19m04s	d=3m50s 	
07:20:33	Int: 18m29s	d=3m57s 	
07:38:56	Int: 18m23s	d=4m02s 	
07:54:34	Int: 15m38s	d=3m40s 	
		      Grand: 17m00s

Walking away from Grand, there was sudden movement next to the boardwalk as I passed Bulger. It was a rabbit. I was moving alongside and under the boardwalk. The last I saw of it, it had disappeared under the walkway toward the river at Sawmill. I don't remember ever seeing a rabbit in the Upper Basin.

Every time I thought I was reconfigured to go out to Geyser Hill, I came back and made another change. The fog had cleared and the sun was out, but the air temperature was low. While waiting for Beehive, saw an eruption of Depression, and then Dome. This was mostly bursts above the rim. Went around to take a closer look, and noticed no water coming down the runoff.

There were several more Dome eruptions during the wait. Concensus is that the series started overnight, and the subequent eruptions were lost in the fog until that finally cleared.

Thought I was headed out to Grand early, in order to get settled in before the thunderstorms started. I got sprinkled on walking between Castle and Grand. Arrived in time to see the start of a Turban eruption, which turned in the one before a Turban Interval Delay. The pool that time was full, but never looked good, and the interval was just under 28 minutes.

Two Turban eruption intervals later, Grand was full and overflowing heavily when in quick succession there was a Vent overflow, Grand start and then Turban starting. The burst lasted almost 9-1/4 minutes, and we got a nice second burst pushing through the steam.

2023-Aug-06:14:44:44 D2/G2Q

14:44:34	Vent Ovfl	-0m09s
14:44:41	Boop		-0m02s
14:44:44	Grand B1	---	d=9m12s
14:44:47	Turban		0m03s
14:47:45	Vent		3m01s
14:53:56	P1		9m12s	d=0m43s
14:54:40	B2		9m56s	d=0m49s
14:55:29	P2		10m45s
14:56:34	V&T Quit	11m50s

				     ΣB=10m01s	ΣD=10m45s
	* * * * *
13:39:46			d=4m25s 	
14:07:39	Int: 27m53s	d=5m00s  D0
14:25:40	Int: 18m01s	d=4m05s  D1
		      Grand: 19m03s

Just before the Grand eruption there was a report of "snow and ice" on the road over Craig Pass. Right after the eruption, the NPS closed the road. We got to experience pea sized hail on the walk between Sawmill and Castle, and sky to the south was uncommonly black. From the radio, I also heard that strong storms and hail could be expected for the next three hours.

Also on the ride back from Grand, in front of the Inn I encounted a woman riding a bike, holding a phone and looking backwards to take video of the two people riding bikes behind her.

Around sunset got a call about a good looking Fan & Mortar event cycle, with some Bottom vent activity. Since I had not had the opportunity to get down there, and it was an hour before it was time to get to Grand, decided to check it out. One change from last year was that Angle was off when I got there. It didn't join in until after Gold vent started. Otherwise, nothing much happened.

Because of the heavy rains during the afternoon, Belgian Pool was full and murky. What was surprising was that Crystal was also full and overflowing. The caused Slurp to be flooded, and it was actually slurping instead of being a noisy fumarole. Bulger was also having minor eruptions.

Over at Grand, waited one Turban interval for the start of the One Burst Grand Eruption. There was plenty of light to see it, but the wind was such that it was really only visible near West Triplet. The eruption lasted 11m01s, and despite the length, Vent & Turban did not quit.

Posted on

Observations for 2023 August 05

It was cool and damp and foggy at dawn, but the rain finally seems to have stopped. Went out to Grand with the hope that the short interval were continuing,but instead arrived just in time for the first overflow. A couple of Turban intervals later, we got an interval lasting 36 minutes. So it was six more Turban eruption intervals before Grand finally erupted. The One Burst Grand eruption lasted over ten minutes. It looked like Vent & Turban were going to continue when instead after a minute they picked up and Vent started jetting noisily. Then they shut off. The pause before restart was about five minutes.

2023-Aug-05:09:28:11 D6/G1Q

09:28:05	Boop		-0m06s
09:28:11	Grand B1	---	d=10m11s
09:28:28	Vent Ovfl	0m17s
09:28:40	Turban		0m29s
09:31:19	Vent		3m08s
09:38:22	P1		10m11s
09:40:17	V&T Quit	12m06s
09:45:34	V&T Restart	17m23s

	* * * * *
06:38:46			d=4m21s 	
07:01:15	Int: 22m29s	d=4m21s 	
07:37:43	Int: 36m28s	d=5m52s  D0	
07:55:48	Int: 18m05s	d=4m31s  D1	
08:16:31	Int: 20m43s	d=4m22s  D2	
08:34:48	Int: 18m17s	d=3m45s  D3	
08:50:43	Int: 15m55s	d=3m48s  D4	
09:09:43	Int: 19m00s	d=4m09s  D5	
		      Grand: 18m28s

With no reports on Beehive, when over to Geyser Hill mostly to enjoy the dry and increasing sunlight. Ended up waiting over by Lion, which was splashing in anticipation of the first eruption in a series, but never did see an eruption. North Goggles was overflowing every nine to ten minutes during that time.

Finally did see Beehive, where the wind was such that the people over by the sign got doused and the railing remained dry.

Thought we were headed out to the next Grand eruption too early, but the benches were crowded. Turns out Castle had erupted earlier than the prediction, so all the people who would've stopped there for the shorter eruption prediction window headed on to Grand.

Turned out we weren't early. Once again Grand had a short interval. For about five minutes the pool fluctuated from just below full to having small waves. Finally one of the fills kept on going and had a One Burst Eruption.

2023-Aug-05:15:36:49 T1C

15:36:35	Turban		-0m14s
15:36:43	Vent Ovfl	-0m06s
15:36:49	Grand B1	---	d=10m40s
15:39:42	Vent		2m53s
15:47:29	P1		10m40s
Vent & Turban continue


After the eruption is when we finally got a thunderstorm with some initial hail. And once again, the rain stopped by the time the cabin was reached. Lesson is to just put on the raingear and wait it out.

Went out after sunset for another Grand eruption, ended up waiting until just before midnight for a One Burst Grand eruption. (G1C, d=9m57s). It was foggy and damp, but until the fog got too thick, the sky was clear and stars visible. There was also lightning off in the distance to the west. The moon was causing clouds behind Grand to glow, but was just rising as the eruption started. Afterwards the fog was so thick that it looked like all the lights in the developed area were off.

Posted on

Observations for 2023 August 04

A pleasant surpise in the morning was seeing a report of Beehive's Indicator in eruption only a minute or two after it was sighted. So quickly got moving and had just crossed the bridge when Beehive began erupting. It was still drizzling, and the breeze was pushing the steam over toward Old Faithful (which was erupting, also). Suspect that was a 32hour interval, otherwise this was an extremely short interval of less than eleven hours.

The rains had stopped for several hours by the time it was time to head out to Grand. Spent a total of ten minutes getting a camera in position and ready to go. Just in time, as during the last few minutes the pool looked full and ready. A quick Grand start, preceeded by a boop, with Turban starting a few moments later. It turned out to be a One Burst Eruption. It also makes for about ten eruptions in a row with an interval of around six hours.

2023-Aug-04:12:08:42 G1C

12:08:37	Boop		-0m04s
12:08:40	Vent Ovfl	-0m01s
12:08:42	Grand B1	---	d=10m24s
12:08:46	Turban		0m03s
12:11:40	Vent		2m58s
12:19:06	P1		10m24s
Vent & Turban continue


More showers, but by the time of the next Grand eruption rolled around, it was dry, and looked like it was going to stay that way. I saw a minor eruption of North Goggles as I walked out past Castle, and of course Sawmill was in eruption.

Got to the Grand Group and everything was quiet. Have seen little to no activity from any of the sput features, and nothing from West Triplet recently. A few minutes later Turban started, and the eruption lasted over 5-1/2 minutes. That was followed by an eruption interval without any overflow from Grand. These are signs that I probably missed a Turban Delay interval.

Except the next Turban interval was well over 25 minutes, with Grand starting (after some boops) at over 27. Turban and Vent both took their time getting started, with the later at over 3-1/2 minutes. The burst lasted just over nine minutes.

It was a steamy pause, but through the fog glimpses of water in the pool could be seen. No fill and drop this time, as we got the second burst. Once again, Vent & Turban quit with a short nine minute pause before restart.

2023-Aug-04:18:25:28 D0/G2Q

18:25:23	Boop		-0m05s
18:25:28	Grand B1	---	d=9m02s
18:26:11	Vent Ovfl	0m43s
18:26:25	Turban		0m57s
18:29:03	Vent		3m35s
18:34:30	P1		9m02s	d=0m49s
18:35:19	B2		9m51s	d=0m48s
18:36:07	P2		10m39s
18:36:49	V&T Quit	11m21s
18:45:50	V&T Restart	20m22s

				     ΣB=9m50s	ΣD=10m39s
	* * * * *
17:40:22			d=5m41s 	
17:58:10	Int: 17m48s	d=4m16s 	
		      Grand: 27m18s

On my way back to the bike, I got to see an eruption of Tilt start as I walked up. Tilt seems taller and more angled, and I noticed that there is no longer any water from Crested Pool going into it. There's also a small hole about 8 meters to the right that I don't remember from last year.

Posted on

Observations for 2023 August 03

Once again got out to Grand while the showers started. By the time I had the rain gear all put on and in place, I needed it all.

Other than the report of empty crater around 06:00, had nothing much to go on. NPS had posted a prediction for which I was almost an hour early. Fortunately, only a short wait of two Turban eruption intervals. Grand, Turban and Vent overflowing all happened quickly, so I could see what was going on before the steam obscured everything. The burst lasting 8-3/4 minutes was right in the inderterminent range for a second burst, but it did happen. And the steam had cleared enough to see the jetting from the second burst.

Stuck around for the Vent and Turban restart, but mostly to wait for the rain to subside. By the time I got back to the cabin, it was mostly over.

2023-Aug-03:10:48:58 G2Q

10:48:58	Grand B1	---	d=8m44s
10:48:59	Turban		0m01s
10:49:02	Vent Ovfl	0m04s
10:51:56	Vent		2m58s7
10:57:42	P1		8m44s	d=0m28s
10:58:10	B2		9m12s	d=1m02s
10:59:12	P2		10m14s
11:00:01	V&T Quit	11m03s
11:18:13	V&T Restart	29m15s

				     ΣB=9m46s	ΣD=10m14s
	* * * * *
10:09:33			d=4m05s 	
10:28:31	Int: 18m58s	d=4m13s 	
		      Grand: 20m27s

Thought the rain was stopping, so went out to Geyser Hill. I was over by Sponge when North Goggle had a minor eruption. But by then the rains had restarted, so headed back in.

There was a pause in the rain so I headed out to Grand a little early. The pause ended as I arrived, along with an eruption of Turban. I spent the Turban interval getting ready for the rain. I was still playing with some camera settings when I noticed that Grand's pool looked full. Almost immediately there was a boil and the eruption started. The first burst lasted over nine minutes, which is previous years would make a second burst unlikely. But not quite a minute later jets appeared through the fog.

2023-Aug-03:16:51:02 G2Q

16:50:52	Grand B1	---	d=9m11s
16:51:54	Turban		0m02s
16:53:45	Vent		2m53s
17:00:03	P1		9m11s	d=1m26s
17:00:50	B2		19:57s	d=0m54s
17:01:43	P2		10m51s
17:02:28	V&T Quit	11m36s

				     ΣB=9m15s	ΣD=10m41s
	* * * * *
16:31:17			d=4m13s 	
		      Grand: 19m45s

The rains did not let up, so ended up trudging back getting soaked. I didn't expect June weather in August.

The rain did let up eventually, about an hour before sunset. Went out to Geyser Hill on the off chance that Beehive might erupt, but it was far too quiet. Left when it got dark. Did get to see a bull elk come off of the Hill, cross the river and head off toward Castle.

Posted on

Observations for 2023 August 02

A good day to sleep in and get a late start. Unfortunately, that also meant missing the nicest part of the day. By the time I got out and about, it was overcast and humid.

Did catch a Daisy eruption which lastest 3m11s. Splendid's Side Boiler vent was active up to a meter high up until the last minute before the eruption, and resumed playing about six minutes after the Daisy eruption start. A minute or so later the Main Vent joined in. There's no sign of any increased overflow from Splendid.

Went out a little early for the next Grand, in order to stay ahead of the incoming weather. It was sprinkling a bit heading out on the bike, but stopped by the time I arrived.

It took over twenty minutes before I saw the first Turban eruption, so it appeared that I had just missed a Turban Interval delay. A few Turban intervals later, the rain started up enough to require a raincoat and umbrella, but really didn't start raining until the eighth Turban eruption I saw.

It was two more Turban eruptions before Grand finally erupted. Vent started to overflow well before Turban, and it was over half a minute before Grand joined in. It was a steamy eruption, but I was able to see Vent moments after it started. The bursting quieted down and stopped giving a burst duration of 8m19s. It was hard to see Grand's vent in all the steam, so the second burst started with little warning. Vent and Turban quit less than a minute after Grand ended, which is a bit faster than normal.

2023-Aug-02:16:25:46 V1/T2Q

16:25:04	Vent ovfl	-0m42s
16:25:11	Turban		-0m35s
16:25:46	Grand B1	---	d=8m18s
16:28:13	Vent		2m26s
16:34:05	P1		8m18s	d=0m39s
16:34:44	B2		8m58s	d=0m55s
16:35:40	P2		9m53s
16:36:29	V&T Quit	10m42s

				     ΣB=9m13s	ΣD=9m53s
	* * * * *
13:25:42			d=4m25s 	
13:43:48	Int: 18m06s	d=4m02s 	
14:03:09	Int: 19m21s	d=3m43s 	
14:19:28	Int: 16m19s	d=3m41s 	
14:40:21	Int: 20m53s	d=3m41s 	
14:56:10	Int: 15m49s	d=3m53s 	
15:15:39	Int: 19m29s	d=3m44s 	
15:33:49	Int: 18m10s	d=4m01s 	
15:51:41	Int: 17m52s	d=3m35s 	
16:09:02	Int: 17m21s	
		     Turban: 16m09s

The rains stopped on the bike ride back to the cabin.