Observations for 10 June

:Looks like there still might be something happening with Grand. I've seen another interval without Percolator, followed by a short West Triplet eruption. (This one lasted 5 minutes, and did overflow momentarily.) For the afternoon eruption, Percolator was again quiet, and for the first time during my visit, I got to see a D2 Turban delay.

Unrelated is that the nighttime eruption lasted 12m37s. At least that eruption has an excuse for having Vent and Turban take 20 minutes to restart.

But what I really don't understand is how the electronic monitor could come up with a time six minutes before the actual eruption time. There wasn't any sort of heavy overflow or other unusual activity, and you'd think that a sensor based on runoff temperature would run late. Which is why I never trust electronic times when they aren't backed up with an effort to confirm them by other means.

This evening, I noticed something at Grotto. There were a number of large rocks lying in the runoff and on the formations that I just don't remember seeing before. They look like they could have been spalled off of the rim of the formations above one of the openings, but I can't be sure. In any case, it's a strange place to see so many large rocks in such a tight group. Or, maybe, I'm just not as observant as I think I am.

During the afternoon I watched Giant have couple of hot periods and a bathtub spaced about an hour apart. Again, there was lots of heavy "depth charge" surging. At Grand it appeared that the hourly events continued. When I went in, Grotto had been active for 3h30m and Spa was showing signs of life. Hoping for a marathon.

And finally, a little something from the past...

Other Geyser Times

10 Jun 2007

  • Rift 04:02, 18:46ns
  • Grotto Ftn. 07:09, 14:47
  • Grotto 07:10, 14:51

"Stupid Geyser Groupie Tricks"

It was suggested that I might want to do a category on the things tourons do. Not really interested, as there's so much to choose from and its all so transient. But I think I will do this sub-category, which currently seems to star one person in particular. His latest stunt, earlier today, was to threaten some inadvertent cross-talk that "we have a direction finder and will use it to find you." Quite rich, considering the amount of noise he alone contributes.