Observations for 2011 August 08

There were reports that conditions were right for an auroral display, but when I got out to Grand after midnight, there wasn't much to see. The moon had just set, and I could still see its glow off of some distant clouds. To the north were more clouds, and a definite glow. The glow seemed to intensify a bit during the wait, but the clouds were there the whole time, and there was never any definition or coloration.

As for Grand, it went back to its recent pattern of intervals a bit over eight hours. The eruption itself was, of course, another one burst. I did get to see a Bulger major eruption right afterward, but there was absolutely no steam in the Hole, despite the low temperatures and the best opportunity for an eruption. Strange how every other hole but it can steam all the time.

Dawn meant that Fan & Mortar had to have an event, and it did. A long one featuring River Vent off for nearly an hour, and splashed from Main Vent during most of that time. But it also featured long activity from the Bottom Vent, which resulted in one of those events in which it was obvious that no matter what happened, F&M was going to be dead for the next few hours.

At the end, we did get some rumbling from Upper Mortar and steaming from all the various frying pans around Mortar. But it didn't mean much

On the way back, Castle was going into steam, which presented some opportunities for photography.

At Grand Rift was active, and of course that meant we were going to have to wait out the recovery. Grand went through several cycles with intervals around 19 minutes and Turban durations between 4-1/2 and 5, when suddenly it had a early fill and waves on its pool. Since the previous interval had been a bit under 18, I thought that the cycle shortening was underway and we'd get the eruption in about an hour, once they'd dropped to under 17. Nice of it to skip that part.

As it was, it was just another 10-1/2 minute one burst, although for the first time in a while the wind direction was toward Rift and Belgian Pool, soaking the walkways down there.

Between Grand eruptions featured two more trips down basin for Fan & Mortar. Both times the events weren't quite good enough so that once Fan's vents started, it became apparent that there wasn't quite the energy to get an eruption.

As for the evening's Grand eruption, it took place more in the afternoon, at a time when I was in the cabin thinking that maybe I could head out a little early, just in case. In this case, a 6h20m interval, for which there was no way I was going to be out for. But that did, at least, put the next eruption at a time when the moon could be up.

Shortly after, Beehive's Indicator was announced, and I got my umbrella and went over to Geyser Hill for it. This was another case where Beehive's interval was less than twelve hours, and the Indicator lasted well over 20 minutes. I wouldn't be surprised if we start getting false indicators soon. The eruption itself started fairly explosively, but the wind cooperated and didn't shift around as it often does.