GeyserNotes Resurrection

It's been awhile, but I've decided that maybe it's time to bring this weblog back to life for a while. It's looking like I'll have a lot more time to observe geysers this summer, and maybe other things to report over the next 12 months. I've also got some other content that I want to distribute.

I've been converting and editing videos. Not just the ones that I've taken over the years, but also those that Paul Strasser has made since the early 1980s. The two of us have recorded a number of rare geyser eruptions, and I intend to make those available. I've already posted some eruptions of Fantail Geyser and Glade Geyser. In the future, I intend to add videos of activity from Tangent Geyser, Cascade Geyser, Lone Pine Geyser, Velvet Spring, Composite Geyser, the Purple Pools and Butterfly Spring and others.

I'm also going to upload a series of videos that Paul took of Giant Hot Periods. It's been a decade since anyone has seen Feather erupting. Many people have yet to see even that, and for those who have, these should be a nice refresher on what to look for and what to get excited about. Assuming Giant wants to become more active in the coming months. In some cases, the hot period resulted in a Giant Geyser eruption instead of disappointment.

I've also got some postings (and rants) from my earlier, Blogspot weblog that I may repost, too.