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Observations for 2022 July 22

After yesterday's excessively long interval, didn't try for the overnight Grand eruption. Which had another long interval overnight. So got out to the Grand Group mid-morning, and only waited an hour for another two burst eruption. West Triplet started during Grand, and that led to a Rift eruption.

Spent an hour at Fan & Mortar, because nothing else was going on, and it looked no different from any other time this trip.

Went back to Grand to see what was going on there, and maybe catch the end of Rift, but was interrupted by the call for Beehive's Indicator. The wind caused Beehive to soak the boardwalk from Plume on toward Sulphide Spring. By the end of the eruption, that area was devoid of people.

Going to Geyser Hill I noticed that Liberty Pool was below overflow. I've heard reports of this, but not seen it myself before this.

Liberty Pool below overflow

Rift ended with a duration just under three hours long. Shortly afterward, Bulger had the first minor eruptions I've seen in over a week.

With Rift active, figured on a longer interval, but hard to stay away when you know Grand has had intervals this short. So compromised and went out at around 7-1/4 hours. Saw Bulger erupting from Castle, and it was the first major eruption I've seen this trip. Then as we approached the bridge, saw Bulger's Hole erupting. There was a second pair of eruptions about 75 minutes later. The third major Bulger eruption we saw, also 75 minutes after that, was only Bulger.

Meanwhile, there was a series of non-descript Turban eruptipn intervals until we got a nice heavy overflow with an interval of over 21 minutes. That was followed by a true delay, another case where Grand's pool didn't start to fill until the 20 minute mark, and the overflow wasn't audible until 25 minutes. Grand never really had any waves.

Two Turban eruption intervals later the sun was about to set, and Grand looked like it might erupt, but instead waited for one more interval. At least the One Burst Grand happened while it was still light enough to see the eruption without a flashlight.