Not knowing when Grand erupted overnight, I went out at the twelve hour mark. Turned out that was a bit early, but I did get to see Castle have a major eruption after having a second minor eruption overnight. Grand also had an early Turban Delay interval. About 32 minutes in, I heard a boil or boop from Grand. It was another three minutes until Turban finally erupted, so a boop then fits the usual pattern.
On the second Turban interval, Grand's pool looked good enough to erupt, but didn't, and it took Grand two more Turban eruptions before we got the One Burst Grand eruption. Beehive also erupted during that wait.
2023-Aug-25:11:20:27 D4/T1Q 11:20:16 Turban -0m10s 11:20:23 Vent Ovfl -0m03s 11:20:27 Grand B1 --- d=10m49s 11:23:17 Vent 2m50s 11:31:16 P1 10m49s 11:32:19 V&T Quit 11m52s ΣD=10m49s * * * * * 09:33:50 10:06:38 Int: 32m48s d=5m46s D0 Boop: 10:03:57 10:25:10 Int: 18m32s d=4m36s D1 10:44:22 Int: 19m12s d=3m48s D2 11:01:57 Int: 17m35s d=4m25s D3 Turban: 18m19s
For the afternoon Grand eruption there was finally no Turban Delay interval. Just a series of Turban eruptions. The interval was about one Turban Interval longer than expected, at just over 6-1/2 hours. Just before Grand did erupt I saw what I thought was Uncertain. It was hard to tell, as at first it was a thin, continuous water column about as high as an Uncertain eruption. Then the column was interrupted by pauses, and finally just quit without going into a mild steam phase. It was just Tardy having one of its weird Sawmill Group Deep Drain eruptions. It was hard to tell at first without landmarks (or tourists standing nearby) and because it just didn't look like Tardy.
The Grand eruption itself had an 8m20s first burst, nicely followed by a second. Grand's vent showed water for a third, but drained after about ten seconds. Was a bit surprised to see Vent & Turban continue.
2023-Aug-25:17:59:51 G2C 17:59:48 Boop -0m02s 17:59:51 Grand B1 --- d=8m23s 18:00:40 Vent Ovfl 0m49s 18:00:45 Turban 0m54s 18:03:48 Vent 3m57s 18:08:14 P1 8m23s d=0m40s 18:08:55 B2 9m04s d=0m53s 18:09:49 P2 9m57s Vent & Turban continue ΣB=9m17s ΣD=9m57s * * * * * 16:41:13 16:57:18 Int: 16m05s d=4m14s 17:18:03 Int: 20m45s d=3m30s 17:38:29 Int: 20m26s d=4m28s Grand: 21m22s