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Observations for 2023 September 17

South of Húsavík is another Hveravellir. This one used to have several geysers, but all but one has been replaced by greenhouses.

The remaining geyser is Ystihver, a large raised bowl at the base of a hillside. It's about ten meters across, superheated and has been altered in several ways over the last century. There is a drain pipe which keeps the water level just below the rim. There are multple channels for the runoff.

Ystihver erupting

The activity itself consists of periods of calm followed by a heavy boil or bursting. Some of the bursting can reach four meters high, and start with an explosive bubble. These eruptions put water out over the entire rim, and there are catch basins which we never saw water reach them, so it must be capable of even stronger activity on occasion.

On the south side is a concrete structure which has enclosed a small boiling feature, Strokkur. A couple of other geysers were similarly enclosed and are part of the greenhouse complex to the southwest. To the north are a couple of pyramids which contain well heads which are used to supply hot water to the town of Húsavík.