Observations for 2021 August 12

Started out the day with warm morning and a One Burst Grand Eruption. Right afterward, got the call for an event down at Fan & Mortar. Nothing much, but a good sign that it seemed more than the continuous Angle events of a few days earlier. It really did seem like with a little more push from Upper Mortar, we'd have had an eruption.

In the afternoon, arrived to what was probably a Turban Delay interval. If so then we had to wait five more intervals, including an eruption of West Triplet followed by the start of Rift, before we got the One Burst Grand Eruption. Like earlier in the day, we got a call to go down to Fan & Mortar just as Grand ended.

Unlike the earlier activity, this progressed slowly. At one point, when the frying pans and steaming vents near Lower Mortar began, Fan's vents suddenly picked up. High vent was fluctuating, but pretty much erupting continuously. After we'd been there an hour, Upper Mortar started splashing. On the third try, it died down, only to have Fan's East and Main Vents lift up, immediately followed by the two main Mortar vents.

This wasn't a strong eruption, as only a few surges hit the walkway. But it was hot and dry and the wind pushed most of the spray away from the walkway. With an interval at well under three days, this was the second shortest one of the summer, and a nice sign of many more opportunities to see eruptions this month.

Made a quick visit to Geyser Hill to see Giantess and Infant Geysers erupting. Infant was going well over a meter high at times, and seeing a superheated boil in an opaque brown pool is definitely something different. (And it didn't smell offensive, just a bit too sweet.)

Finally went out after sunset for a Grand eruption. It was another one of those 30-plus minute Turban intervals where Turban starts slowly, then gets stronger as the eruption progresses. Finally, after about a minute, Grand started the third One Burst Eruption of the day. It was a short eruption, but at the end of the burst, Vent started blasting away. It was a steam-phase that was perhaps stronger than the one Giantess put on the day before. It took awhile to reload and leave, so I got to hear the quick Vent & Turban restart.