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Observations for 2021 August 16

Going out after midnight to see the end of a Fan & Mortar event was probably not the most productive use of the time, but it did mean we didn't have to get up at dawn to see what what going on down there.

Throughout the day there were splashes from Upper Mortar during the ending of the cycle when the Mortar Frying Pans start to erupt and put out steam. The ones I saw never much looked like they would result in an eruption.

The mid-day Grand had a short interval and a short duration. At 8m10s, a second burst was a near certainty. The pool even rose up afterwards and for about five second, it looked like a third was possible.

Immediately afterward, as I was approaching the bike rack, there was a call for Beehive's Indicator, so for the first time this trip I watched Beehive from across the river. Probably for the best, as it was windy with shifting directions, so people were scattering from Scissors to Plume. Also because of the wind, it seemed like one of the shorter eruptions that I can remember.

Spent too much time at Fan & Mortar seeing nothing much happen. Went out for Grand at sunset, and caught the start of a Turban Delay interval. That's when another call of something happening at Fan & Mortar came through. Remembering the fiasco early in the trip, I decided I had to abandon Grand. As it turned out, nothing much happened at Fan & Mortar, and Grand erupted on the Delay and had at least two bursts. Oh, well.