Observations for 2021 August 22

The day started out wet and raining. Fortunately, it quit by the time I wanted to head out. After yesterday's long intervals, Grand had some short intervals overnight, so there had been no need to get up early. Instead, time to waste time at other geysers.

Was riding down toward Grotto when Grotto Fountain started. Circled back, parked the bike in the rack and then heard a loud snap in the Trees. It was a bison right next to the benches, grazing away. It continued to graze, blocking the trail. Eventually it came out on the trail, wandered north and then disappeared into the trees across from Spa. It was gone when Grotto started.

After that, it was time to visit Daisy. By then the wind had picked up, and so it was now overcast, cold, windy and damp. At least Daisy didn't have a long interval.

At Grand there wasn't much of a wait for the One Burst Grand. At first it appeared that Vent and Turban were going to quit, but every ten or fifteen seconds, there was a blip from Turban. Finally, the Turban activity picked up, with Vent roaring. It looked as if there might be an attempt at an afterburst, but nothing visible from Grand.

Instead of hanging around Fan & Mortar, instead I went to Daisy. This time the wind had an effect. For the better part of an hour, Daisy appeared as if it was about five minutes from the start of the eruption. Finally, with the interval approaching three hours, it erupted for a fairly normal 3-1/2 minutes.

Sawmill started as I walked by on my way to Grand. Once again, it was well below overflow and had none of the thumps that an overflow start used to have. The rest of the group was fairly high, at least for current activity, while Belgian and Crystal were down 4-5cm. Slurp was quiet, barely steaming, when normally it would be a noisy fumarole when not being flooded by Crystal.

Grand, once again, didn't make us wait for long, and this time had a nice second burst, with rainbows. It was perhaps the first Grand in fairly good conditions in days.

Did a quick check of East Sentinel. Arrived at a time when it was quiet and well below overflow. In just a few minutes, it was pouring out water and the boiling was strong and superheated.

Of course Fan & Mortar waiting until sunset before finally setting us free by having a weak an event as possible-- a single splash from Main Vent.

Finally got some clear skies at night, and with the moon just past full, so had to go out for Grand. A short wait (with a loud Beehive eruption during it), and we got a nice, wet two burst eruption backlit by the moon. Most of the walkway got wet, and the fogs were already forming.