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Observations for 2022 August 07

Decided to not try for the morning One Burst Grand eruption. Based on last night, pretty certain that it would be foggy and steamy.

Did head out a bit early for the next Grand eruption. Turned out that this one Burst Grand was preceded by a four Turban Eruption Delay. Once again, West Triplet overflowed heavily during and after the Grand eruption, but no actual bursting. During the eruption, an osprey, with catch, flew in front of Grand.

Also, as expected, Beehive erupted shortly before Grand. If the delay had been three Turban intervals, they would have erupted together.

Right after that we caught the start of Castle. Almost immediately, Castle started pausing, so no surprise when a pause shortly after four minutes ended the minor eruption.

On to Daisy, where at least the duration of the eruption was almost 3-1/2 minutes, much better than yesterday.

Went out around sunset for the next Grand, prepared to stay out after dark. Shortly after arrival we got another minor eruption from Castle. It wouldn't surprise me that over the next few years that minor eruptions become the normal mode, with steam phase eruptions being the unusual exception. Of course, that means Castle won't be as predictable unless someone finds patterns in the minor eruptions.

But Grand did cooperate. Only waited one Turban eruption interval, and the One Burst Grand eruption didn't start with a Delay. Over in the Sawmill Group, Belgian was high enough to have water in the lobe, and Slurp was weakly sloshing instead of steaming.