Observations for 2022 August 25

At thirteen hours since the last observed eruption, it was time to head back out to Grand. Shortly after I arrived, there was a Turban eruption where it seemed like Grand had little to no overflow. That was followed by a slightly longer than normal Turban eruption interval and then the Grand One Burst Eruption started. At around the 8-1/2 minute mark it had a long slowdown as if it was trying to stop and pause, but never did. Had another such episode about a minute later, and the whole eruption last about 10-1/2 minutes.

Afterwards, Castle also had still not erupted since yesterday, and there wasn't much of a wait to see a six minute long minor eruption.

The mid-day One Burst Grand was after a Turban Delay interval followed by two more Turban intervals.

Spent a lot of time down at Fan & Mortar. Much of the time all I saw was a series of weak cycles. But late in the day, it appeared that we were having either some pauses, or cycles so short and weak that Angle was never starting. All that time Main vent was steaming heavily, but never showed any splashes. All that was followed by a strong cycle with some splashing in Upper Mortar when the frying pans started up. But it lead to nothing much.

Went out after sunset for another Grand. The weather forecast said no more rain or storms, but within a half hour, we started get cloud-based lightning to the south. By then it was dark. This storm built up in intensity, with lots of flashes, but no ground strikes. It slowly moved off to the east, although we did get a few moments of rain.

The One Burst Grand eruption was once again preceded by a Turban eruption that did not seem to have much overflow from Grand. The eruption itself had several false pauses starting at about 8-1/2 minutes into a 10 minute long eruption.